AP/SAT tools, professional development, tools, resources and downloads. Various resources for college counseling professionals to use with students including information about the application process and financial aid
Regional Events
Overview and links to regional events occurring throughout the U.S.
Counseling advocacy documents
Advocacy documents and resources including strategies/guides for outreach to congress, counselor statistics, and funding sources
Counseling Practice Briefs
Peer reviewed “evidence-based practices, and research-based approaches covering a wide variety of client-presenting issues and counseling topics” including mental health and career development.
Counselor Online Course Listings
Online counseling coursework on a variety of topics including technology, ethics, social justice, relationships
Counselor Webinars
Webinars on a variety of topics for counselors including trauma, DSM, ethical standards, culture, mental health
Promoting College and Career Readiness: A Pocket Guide for State and District Leaders
Pocket Guide to implement college and career ready reforms including examples of state and and district-level innovations.
College and Career Development Books
College/career counselor textbooks and college/career books for counseling students